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Friday, April 27, 2007

Robert Downey Jr. "Irons" It Out

A new picture has been released of Robert Downey Jr. in the role of Tony Stark creating the armor of Iron Man. Along with it are soem words form the actor and director Jon Favreau.

"We didn't want to just go with a safe choice," Favreau says from a USA Today article, "The best and worst moments of Robert's life have been in the public eye. He had to find an inner balance to overcome obstacles that went far beyond his career. That's Tony Stark. Robert brings a depth that goes beyond a comic-book character who is having trouble in high school, or can't get the girl. Plus, he's simply one of the best actors around."

"I'm more diligent than I used to be," Declares Downey. "I want to show Jon he was right to have faith in me. Whatever questions might have arisen about my life weren't issues with him."

Downey didn't get to appreciate the character until after awhile. He admits that he likes D.C. Comic characters more than Marvel, but Iron Man is a hero that appeals to him a bit more from the Marvel universe.

"He struggles with his lifestyle, he struggles with the drinking. He faces the same issues a lot of people do."

Downey spent a year in prison due to drug posession and has been trying to keep busy after his rehab in 2002. He's had critically acclaimed supporting roles in both "Good Night, and Good Luck", and the amazing "Zodiac". No doubt his experiences will do a lot for the role of Tony Stark.
Iron Man arrives in theaters May 2, 2008.

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